Our Mission
The mission of WNY Pagan Pride is to educate the public about Paganism and other forms of Earth-based spirituality with focus on the diversity of religious expression in our community in an effort to dispel the myths surrounding paganism and bring harmony and acceptance amongst all spiritual paths. The main way WNY Pagan Pride does his is by hosting the annual Pagan Pride Day event.
Air: Education
Provide accurate information to the public, making it clear what we do and do NOT do. We educate with the intention of being able to practice our spiritual paths openly.
Currently we provide educational services during our events and online using our Facebook Community Page. We hope to use our (this) website to share useful resources.
***Please Note*** Website under construction, link to resources will be added here once complete. If you know of a resource that may be helpful, please email us at info@wnypaganpride.org
Fire: Activism
Being courageous to act on our convictions and proudly show our communities that we are contributing members. We are actively show and explaining our beliefs. This publicity helps to encourage the end of the stigma associated with Paganism, taking away the fear of the unknown.
Water: Charity
Sharing our abundance by offering compassion to our community where it is needed. We help local 501(c)3 charities because it is a reflection of our commitment to bettering the world in which we live.
- 2022 WNY Pagan Pride Day we were able to collect and donate over 200 pounds of food and $81.00 dollars for FeedMoreWNY.
- Yule Ball we collected and donated 15 new & unwrapped toys for Toys for Tots (Buffalo)
Earth: Community
Strengthening the WNY Pagan community and the Pagan community as a whole by encouraging open communication and fellowship among those of different belief systems and traditions. We establish our communities because there is a need for a sense of togetherness and to show that we are a growing congregation of people who adhere to a faith that, while different, is as valid as any other.